Formerly known as the Community Health Equity Catalyst Strategy (CHECS)

Ascension St. John Health Equity Initiative

The Ascension St. John Foundation and other partners seek to improve health and well-being in the City of Tulsa, OK. Health Equity Initiative funding is intended to add to our community's ability to make an impact on health outcomes.

The work is guided by data showing significant health disparities between residents of local zip codes and population groups. Recognizing that a variety of factors shape and influence health, the Ascension St. John Health Equity Initiative addresses health care, social and environmental drivers of health. 

Our Values

  • Equity
  • Collaboration
  • Humility
  • Accountability

CHECS FY23 Annual Report

Strengthening Our Community

Guided by the values of equity, collaboration, humility, and accountability, our mission is to improve health outcomes and increase health equity in the City of Tulsa. Our vision is that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible.

Health Equity Initiative Strategies

Three strategies to improve health and well-being in Tulsa

Medical Access Programs (MAP)

MAP supports services offered by local safety net health clinics and other providers

MAP Ecosystem

MAP support is invitation-only (no solicitations accepted)
Medical Access Programs ensure low-income and underserved populations have access to healthcare, dental and mental health services through:

Featuring the Bedrock Initiative and efforts to increase and diversify the healthcare workforce.

Equity Incubator

Identifying and filling service gaps to improve individual and community health and well-being.

Health Equity Grants

Open Applications

The application opens just once a year from mid-June to July. Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend a virtual information session in early June.

  • Seed Grants: $50,000 - $250,000 to pilot innovative projects and programs that are evidence-informed and aim to improve health outcomes.
  • Catalyst Grants: $50,000 - $350,000 to catalyze existing programs that can demonstrate a readiness and need to expand their impact. Programs should have historical data that showcase improvements in participant outcomes.

Invitational Grants

(No solicitations accepted)

Health Equity Initiative Grant Guidelines

Grant applicants should be able to describe how the funding will allow them to do something they otherwise would not be able to do. In certain cases Health Equity grants can replace expired grant funding for successful programs, but are otherwise not intended to maintain current operations. The Health Equity Initiative does not support galas, benefits, fundraising activities, conferences, symposia, or costs associated with indirect rates or administration fees for projects submitted by universities.

As a Ministry of the Catholic Church, the Health Equity Initiative does not promote or condone practices that are contrary to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, including contraceptive practices, direct abortions, and some reproductive technologies.